Phase I clinical trials are an indispensable step in moving new, safer cancer treatments from the lab into everyday patient care.
A phase I clinical trial tests the safety, side effects, best dose, and timing of a new treatment. It is the first step in testing a new treatment in humans and phase I clinical trials usually include only a small number of patients. Phase I trials are also required when testing a new combination of previously approved drugs. (source:
CLICK HERE to read about some of the misperceptions related to Phase I clinical trials.
PHASE ONE Grantee Dr. Jason Sicklick and his research team at UC San Diego.
1. Copy this link:
2. (1st Photo) In the middle to right side of the screen there is a section titled “Find a study” in this section you should add all the information important to the specific studies you’re trying to find. Including the “Condition or Disease”. If you’re looking for specific studies with a certain drug, or Doctor, or NCT number. You’ll type in those specifics in the “Other Terms” bar. Then select what country you’re currently living in, this will prompt other sections to appear. You should put in your specific area information as well as how far you’d be willing to travel/look for these trials.
3. Once all your info and filters are filled in, click “Search”
4. (2nd Photo) You will be taken to a screen that has your desired studies listed in the main part of the screen. While off to the left you can further hone in on studies that would be perfect for you (ex. Age, sex, Study Phase, and status of the study)
5. Once you have everything set how you’d like it you can click on each study reading about them and their results, as well as a brief summary of the study.